Tuesday, March 30, 2010

fillthy words

This morn I thought that I get ME back. I felt it. Feels like I get my spirit, cheers upon my face, my glee. And something just ruined that when the daybreak came. Actually, I felt terrible and bad when intermediate quiz going on. The lecturer didn’t give the appropriate question. She just intends to make the long-long question but we don’t understand its mean. In fact, the question was so differ from her explanation @ class. And when I asked her to repeat the question cause it’s too long and I ain’t sure about what I heard. She looks got upset when I asked it. Ugh.. What a suck lecturer!

When I got home, my grandma insists me to wash her clothes. The chaos just born. I was too tired. I ain't getting back immediately when class dismissed. I and Pia get back to house, cleans up and taken some my stuffs. It’s full of emotions when I discuss about our suck house that always getting flood when rain comes, Pia wanted to stay at house and not go back to her bro home. And she asked me to stay too at Monday. But I neglect that bad idea. We have to prevent all the bad things that can be showed up. 2 days ago at 2 o clock, it’s hard rain. Suddenly the water enters into the house and we couldn’t stay in and we both won't to clean that shit, so we waiting out of damn house till break dawn. Huh….!!! By the way, I have to insist Pia and make sure I won't to spend her night at that damn house with a bad scent flooding shit.

About my grandma, I am still upset to her, but I already told Ayah about her behave to me. Looks like I just saying about the cruel grandma is. Ayah advice me to be patient, she just old lady and you need to help her. Imagine if you don’t have her, she’s gone and left the regret of yours. Just tell her that you're too tired and need a rest.

You know, when some sucks things annoying me then I call and share it to Ayah, feels like my entire burden just gone and I just accept and do what Ayah orders me. Every advice that Ayah told me I exactly did it. Ayah is the only one of my best listener and adviser man. I just had to tell him what my problems is and after that I feel the problems already done.
None of my friend’s advice that I am fully agree and I did. They just like me, some is wise, they take my place and say what they suppose to do if they stand on my feet. But I ain't them; they don’t know what’s in me.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

chill out .

i just wondering why people staring at me when i brought my big travel bag while i am waiting for transmusi. it's just a big bag, doesn't means anything, ain't big deal huh.. you know, it's makes me lost my mood besides i forgot to bring my ponsel. ugh..what a sucks! afterall i am trying to chill out. even worse i can't touch people and my friends can't texting me.

i just plan to go back to Perum at Wed for my ponsel and others stuff that had been forgotten..haa.. i felt i am getting older like my grandma when i realize to many things haven't collected in.

oii, when i arrived at kos, i found out, its cleaned and sparkling and shining and stuff.. i love to see it.. i am in a nice place. haa..

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

transmusi : solusi atau masalah baru?

judul posting ini adalah tema diskusi untuk kelompok..erm..saya lupa apa nama kelompoknya, yang pasti ini adalah serangkaian kegiatan OR yang di adakan oleh BEM UNSRI..

saya masih gak habis pikir kalo masih ada orang yang bilang kalo transmusi itu adalah masalah transportasi baru di Palembang... i think these people is out of theirs head.. well, tapi karena setiap orang punya pendapat masaing2 dan saya haus menghormatinya akhirnya kallimat itu hanya jadi uneg-uneg saya ke Nia.. lagian ini juag dikusi bukan debat.. kalo ini adalah debat saya akan ngotot dg pendapat saya.

Hellloooo, where you had been??? it's time to change.. waktunya kita membudayakan kehidupan bertransportasi yang aman.. orang yang cerdas itu kalo nunggu bis di halte, nyebrang di zebra cross atau naik jembatan penyebrangan.. sekarang pemerintah Palembang menghadirkan solusi nya..ditambah kenyamanan yang kita dapat, full AC, musiknya gak norak kayak bis pasar, dan ramah lingkungan karena bahan bakarnya pake gas, truss gak ada yang merokok, gak ada pengamen..so there's no reason that's say transmusi is the new problem's transportation in Palembang..

kemarin ada yang bilang, kalo bis pasar yang beroperasi kan uang nya kembali ke masyarakat, terus takutnya karena uangnya balik ke pemda nanti di korupsiin..
well, emang sopir transmusi itu gak di gaji yaa?? kan mereka dapat gaji bulanan, emang uang gajinya mau di tabung aja, gak lahhh.. kan nanti istri sang sopir belanja ke pasar trus beli ini-itu..ujung2 nya kan perputaran uang itu kembali ke pasar.. trus kalo masalah uang nya nanti di selewengkan.. well, itu kan masalah birokrasi kita yang emang dihuni orang2 yang opportunis...

ada lagi yang bilang, transmusi itu menimbulkan kemacetan baru dan seharusnya transmusi itu one way alias punya jalannya sendiri kayak busway, itu malah masalah baru.. nanti kalo one way kan ada pelebaran jalan,nanti selama jalannya dibangun kan ada cost yang lebih truss bangun jalan baru atau pelebaran jalan itu gak sebentar, butuh waktu lama,,nah selama pembangunan jalan itu, emang gak bikin macet yaaa?? itu masalah baru lho..lagian juga kehadirannya transmusi itu belum benar2 di eveluasi oleh pemda, apakah di sukai masyarakat atau tidak..meskipun orientasinya itu bukan laba tapi lebih ke pelayanannya..tapi tetap aja harus ada evaluasi untuk perbaikan.

saya pikir kita jangan terlalu idealis lah.. terlepas itu memang proker walikota palembang, atau adanya politik mercusuar oleh walikota Palembang dalam rangka untuk menaikan pamorny,, well, i say .. i really don't mind about his programs or the other creeps

lagian, kita itu, masyarakat Palembang, di ajak ke arah yang baik..punya transportasi yang aman dan nyaman, KENAPA MASIH ADA AJA SEWOT???!!!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

have to have a dreams and make it true

there are always time to think or forecasting what something amaze me and it will happen today..cause life is neva flat. so, today i have a quality time with Nia, we went to Horizon hotel, attending some seminary about study abroad. i ain't really paasion about that cos..it's big deal. study abroad, how much its cost?

there's something encourage me to pursue my dreams, and its become higher and higher and its goes irrational and insane. i know its heard impossible, it ain't make a sense..huh where do i get the huge money for tuition and struggle in there?? in fact Ayah doesn't have money, even for fulfilling his necessity. but, it's my dream, go to abroad and study there, i believe in that there's always a way to make that happen. who's knows. i have my back up, Allah. if there is a will, i have to believe, there's always a way. Allah, please, please, please..make it happen..make it mine. make it be real..