Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It’s already about 4 months I am not post something in my blog. Well, I am kinda have a soul for writting now because I saw someone post about his blog. Maybe this is the good start to write something. Well, we should shared everything though mostly my post is all about myself but I hope people who read those posts have something or maybe mt writting had been inspired someone for some change. Lol.. well today I got bad and good news. I prefer to mention the bad first..


I got Be for my Accounting Theory class which I always be a good listener for this class and I have a target from the first beginning of this smeester, I want it so bad to get an A for this course. Instead of get an A with all efforts and something like you would say--I have the soul for this one—this lecturer gave me B. Well, I am still grateful for this. and the good news is I got an A for my ALK class which I got C before on fourth semester and same for my PI class. . Alhamdulillah..

HOW about things I have done today..erm..actually there are nothing but I spent my time rewatch the series that I have been watch about 5 times. Lol. Useless and I felt no entertainment while I was watching. So I consider today is just another million day of being sluggard.

Well, that’s my day and I am willing to post the other post next day... :)

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