Friday, April 16, 2010

My 2nd posting..

This is my 2nd posting to my blog within 20mnt. Even there's no reader or follower, it's not my motive why I create my blogs..well, this is kinda my advocation.
It's better for me to updating my blog than updating my status on FB!

Btw, i don't get some texted from my friends would says "it's akm, nisa! Where r U?"
well, i guess it ain't akm yet! Ha..


  1. hai nisa... what do you mean with no reader??? XD

    i will read your blog... hehehe coz i.m your follower,gegege.

    oy, what 'AKM' means? i can catch the meaning.. sorry..

  2. u've wrong typed. u just said u can catch its...

    intermediete acc 2..

  3. hahaha yup... i did that. hua, i always make mistake!! huffft.. but yah it's ok right??

    what's wrong with AKM??
