Wednesday, May 5, 2010

freaky wed day

hari ini, rabu, sebenernya ndak ada kuliah, tapi teutep ...pergi ke kampus karna ada rapat global panitiia Asean Islamic Economic Summit (AIES) i am letterally so proud for being one of commitee of the first international summit in UNSRI. early morn, wake up lately caus e i am about in women being phase..bangun, ke kamar mandi, jemur pakaian yang udah di bilas kemarin malem..truss mandi..ini-itu, ini-itu..then I leave kos.

walked alone, i saw Nia from the far spot. We both got into the queued.. but everyday just the same, there're so many stupid people who didn't make a queue, they sabotage our bus.. i hate them much! sometime, i shouting them loudly. but they don't even feel the sound of hatred in my voice. now, i treat and call them as some stupid people. back the queued, ada 2 seat lagi yang tersisa...jadi we're with doubt got in the bus.. afterwards the bus stopped, i know something not going on its own way. ya..pecah ban. jadi kita turun ke dari bis dan pindah ke bis belakang. Nia said, do not ever go up if we're in doubt. i think, it's go bursttyres though. no correllation.

jadi waktu nyampe di kampus, langsung ke mang odong, jajan pempek dan beli donat dengan Siska. truss langsung ke corner, nyampe nya lum dateng, jd nunggu dulu.. we have inquality chatter, finally, the mbak was came. jadi langsung surfing the internet. lama------entah browsing apa, tapi yang pasti buka FB dan blogger.

well, i am gonna complete the story of today later... gonna cut it off awhile. i am too tired beside @ my straight ahead, some award tv show on air.

tada.. i am in corner now, trying to continue the story.

but i ain't really wanna finish this though.

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