Friday, November 5, 2010

a woman

such a weird day or i can say it a weird and fatigue week. these are chronicles :

1. i got news from Agus, on Wednesday 3rd. he was reported that we are ready to go to Yogya on Sunday 7th.
2. on Thursday 4th, i went to Vice Rector III asking about out technically departure and when we are going to land on Yogya. but bureaucrat is a hell thing on the earth ever! why is it go like crazy and mess up. make i and agus go up and down stair and go around the rectorat building for make this appearance at Yogya becomes true. final things is our budgeting is approval and the amount is about 8 million rupiah.
3.cause our additional class for AKL was canceled so i can go to Indralya for obtain the money. it was Friday 5th, my will is go to Indralaya and on my way in area of Palembang, i got a messages from Agus, he said, the event on Yogya is canceled cause Merapi has eruption again, and this is the big one ever since 26 th October the first eruption. so, the event is re-schedule on December. knowing that, i suddenly stop the bus right away to RSUP and doing what i wanna do on August, donor my blood.

on my way yo the PMI office,the building is right behind the RSUP, someone stopped me, a woman, around 40's and needs help. i actually not believe that she really needs help. she said that she is a victim of thief and need money for transportation back to her place. she prove it by showing the force-cutting on her bag to me. she said she have a family member but they are not in the place that she thought. well, i don't know what to do, but out of the deception, i hand over my Rp. 20.000 to her. she said thanks to me. she left and i continue my path.

i was thinking how if she has been lying to me and i bought it, if it's right, do i need feeling sorry or anger for her, because on one side she needs money if both of her motivate is fooling me or she is really the victim of thief. i should count this thing is charity thing, no angry just sorry for her whether or not she is lying or not about the thief.

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