Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Lately, i was feeling so having fun with my friends and my days. Yuli said that i am the one who act like child around us. well, i am being the youngest one and surrounded by my sticky best friends Pia (21 y.o), Vhani (20 y.o), Pazkah (20 y.o), Yuli (20 y.o) and Nia (concern it as 20 y.o cause she getting old one year on Nov 11)..and i am left 19 y.o..

i need to clarify, actually i am mature, dude! compare with you all (them above) i still like, much-much like as you call it when you were playgroup such as jumping, bouncing, loud of laughter, bite Vhani and other things you do when you were playgroup. but, that's it!

i am free, you can not force me, i do everythings that i like. and i don't really give a shit about what people comment about the way i act. i love the way i am. it's clear.

but on mindset-side i am more deeper, sensitive, and philosophy..recalled i am having a big crash, losing my Ibu, it was big thing and it has changed me.

and about being 20 y.o currently makes me stressed. i am gonna miss my teenage. and when i get my 20 i won't this 20 y.o restrict me to those ways i like..considered that i don't like become 20 y.o. 20 y.o means no excuse when you act like child and when people see that weird stuff you do on 20 y.o they'll said 20 y.o form with 4 y.o behave.

this is the me-when-20 y.o list :
1. being 20 y.o means you are in boundaries from children-act. less the talk, no loud laughter, wiser...huftt.
2. i am getting older, it is fitrah. i can't ignore it. and i have admit it to my sociality.
3. i could not mock my best friend who is 20 y.o while i am 20 y.o..it means i mock to my self..huhh
4. i need to concern about my body, my mind, and lecture.
5. being 20 y.o means there is another year for you to going through 21, 22, 23, 24.....(if you have time). i feels like need more shoulder to carry them on. people asking you to more serious and concern about LIFE and LIVE.
6. i have to deal with diet..arghhhhh
7. MAYBE i change my point of view when i face problems or stuff
8. more calm down.
9. and i am gonna miss the way when people asking, how old are you, and i said very proudly, i am nineteen..:D

Allah, i don't meant it, like ain't have any grateful for the one year minus of my time on earth. Allah, i accept it. but my society, maybe. they ask me, you are not allowed for this...and bla..bla..huffttt

anyway, i am going 20 y.o on January 13th..this note reflect about my best friend who is going 20 y.o, Nia, and based on the born-logical-time the next is me, and i don't know why it has the effect on me.

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